Telecoms & Asset Management

IT Doesn't have to cost the earth

Could you do hardware better?

Imagine you are given the choice to do something better or worse, what is the natural path to choose? Well, is it better because someone else told you or because you objectively understand the truth. Lunar Networks does not live in objective truth, the only thing that matters to us is what is actually best for you.

Tired of being treated like a number?

The cycle of poor customer service seems unending and almost simple to fix. The problem is that most organizations operate solely on profit, because of this the consumer will always be seen as a number first. Lunar supports the notion that people matter more than profit and that the only way to make money to begin with is to make YOU a satisfied customer – simply put: The relationship matters more to us than your money.

Our Services


We aim to be the extended resource that you need, when you need it and doesn’t cost the earth.


We help extend the lifespan of your technology by assisting you or someone else in reusing it.


Lunar Networks has a simple 4 step breakdown process in house, that’s right, we physically recycle ourselves.

Your Trusted Telecoms & Asset Management

You can be our headache,
we don’t mind


Lead times


Hardware that is installed and operating to help my business run


Response times for hardware issues during after-hours problems


To go home and get some sleep knowing the hardware is back up and running


Refurbished gear that is not 100% whole, tested and confidentially working prior to your purchase


To return the 200+ bottles of tylenol in the office bathroom because there are no longer massive headaches in your environment surrounding faulty gear that was not audited and tested before it was sold


Refurbished gear that is not 100% whole, tested and confidentially working prior to your purchase


To return the 200+ bottles of tylenol in the office bathroom because there are no longer massive headaches in your environment surrounding faulty gear that was not audited and tested before it was sold